Contributions to the Fund

(Updated March 10, 2017)

Total Donations: $150,684

Donors to Date: 


Founders ($5,000+)

Dan and Hilda Daley

Demakes Enterprises Inc./Old Neighborhood Foods

The Goldhirsh Foundation

The Gerondelis Foundation

The Bernard M. Gordon Foundation

John and Gail Graham

Dallas Perkins and Sherry Hall, Harvard Debate

Robert Hopkins, Jr.

Ray Ozzie and Dawna Bousquet

William Saltonstall

Christopher Weld, Weld Family Foundation

Grateful Debate Parent (anonymous)

 Pioneers ($2,500-$4,999)

Tim and Lauren Averill

Philip and Cynthia Comenos

Jeff and Betsy Cunningham

Jim Oker and Yanna Colombotos

Bob and Gael (Donelan) Tarleton

Advocates ($1,000-$2,499)

Philip C. Amrein and Karen Donelan

Elizabeth “Tucker” Averill

Norm and Connie Becker

John and Helen Bethell

Hugh Bethell

David and Linda Crosby

Sarah Gannett

Estill Caudill, M.D.

Philip and Eve Cutter

Ben and Lummy Gannett

Keith and Elisabeth (DeLaforcade) Goggin

Paul and Lauren Gudonis

James and Anne Hemmings

Nancy Hopkins

Michael and Susan Kramer

Zach Leber

The Evander Lewis Family Foundation

John McNear

Michaels & Ward, LLP

Gretchen Crosby Sims and Brian Sims

Tom and Anne Walker


Citizen Judges ($250-$999)

Sam and Cornelia Adams

Tom and Sandy Andrews

ASD Foundation

Nancy Taylor August

Tom Averill and Jeffrey Ann Goudie

David and Michelle Baer

Stephanie and Henri Bichet

Jay and Kathleen Bothwick

Whitney A. Bower

Jason Brown

Michael Brown and Antonia DelRosso

Curtis Buddenhagen Rising

Jerry Byrne

Michael and Lynne Comb

David Comb and Coleen Fitzgerald

Martha J. Cutter

Adam and Andrea (Marston) Daly

Dennis and Wendy Dixon

Bruce and Anne Egan

Bill and Marysue Emhiser

Erica Everett

Jeff Gang

Hale Ventures LLC (Grant Family)

Daniel M. Horrigan and Abigail Walker

R. Patrick Johnson

Bruce and Cindy Journey

Michael and Paige Katzenstein

Ann Kiely

Henry and Carol Lukas

Pauline Jones Luong
Minh A. Luong

Gary and Lou McClelland

Michael Mone

Nestor Nicholas

Jerry and Jenny Noonan

Jerry and Fay Noonan

Andrew Pasquina

Jeff and Mary Peart

Fred and Joanne Peterson

Michael and Kirsten (Bolten) Phalen

Susan and John Quinn

Steve Rodd and Janie Chobot

Michael Rodier

Ronald and Mary Skates

Harry and Agnes Slade

William Van Faasen

Paul J. Wexler

Sharon Whitson


Citizen Jurors (up to $249)

Geraldine M. Apostle, Aragon Art & Framing

Alex Arnsten

Stella Atwater

Trish Averill

Dunc and Carol Ballantyne

Darren Becker

Jim and Connie Behnke

Camilla Blair

William and Ashley (Short) Boudo

Connie Brown

Jess Brown

Jim and Carrol Brown

Paul and Sophie Brown

Ted and Mary Jane Brown

Zach Brown

Kelsey Browne

Ashley Bruce

Alex Burgess

Christopher Burke

John Byrne

Kimberly Caferty

Peter and Elizabeth Canny

Traynor Canny

Dan Cellucci

Jerry and Eileen Cellucci

Kenneth Chapman

Alex Cody

Chris Comenos

Stuart and Cynthia Conant

Anne and Terry Cowman

Ross Cowman

Peter and Jill Curatolo

Eugene and Anne D’Angelo

Louisa Deland

Ali and Megan Demarkis

Deborah Derrick

Dennis Derrick

Nicholas and Deborah DeSherbinin

Leslie Donovan

Michael Dyer and Sarah Willwerth-Dyer

Robert and Deborah Dzwill

Kendra Emhiser

Adele Ervin

Herb and Dorothy Everett

Matt Everett

Peter and Susan Frattini

Peter and Ann Marie Frazier

Erica Frontiero and David O’Leary

Nancy Fulford

John and Sharon Fuller

Dorothy Gannick

Autumn Gillette

John and Leslie Gurley

Constance Hall

Stephen and Marion Hall

Susan Halpern

Caroline Lee Herter

Ally Howlett

John and Sally Huss

Dan and Sue Jewett

Laura Jinishian

Taryn Johnson

Jeffrey and Karla Kaneb

Peter Katsoulas

Seth Katsoulas

Ben Katzenstein

John Kenney and Mary Cody-Kenney

Amanda Kesterson

Kurt Keville

Pam Kiely

Maureen Kiley

Ann Kiley

Victor Koufman

Helene and Jon Kwasie

Maryellen Kwasie

Keryn Kwedor

Lachance Tree Professionals

Betsy and Marsha Lamitina

Charles and Barbara Lane

Joseph and Suzanne Lanigan

Philip Levendusky

Jerome Levy

George and Sarah Loring

David and Mary Lumsden

Michael and Sarah Mack

Timothy J. Mahoney

Frank and Christine Marangell

Rebecca and Dave Marley

Glendon and Sandra Marston

Chris McDonald

Joan McDonald

Rick McDonald

Alexandra Michael

Erin and John Milner

Marie (Molly) Mitchell

Patricia Mitchell

Jennifer Averill Moffitt & Kerry Moffitt

Martha Mohr

Garlan Morse

Paul Murphy

Richard Neal and Ruta Subatis

Charles and Suzanne Newman

Fred Nickless, Jr.

Steve Nicol and Motoko Aoki-Shaffer

Bill and Maria O’Brien

Molly Osborne

David Paige and Kirsten Smith-Paige

John and Olivia Parker

Jamie Pates

John and Margaret Pates

Alex Pirrota

McIntosh Pohl

Jim and Marion Powers

James Powers

Dick Prouty

Jack and Nelda Quigley

Donald Robbins

Karyn Robbins

Irv Rosen

Caroline Round

Marianne and John Round

Robert and Katherine Ryan

Peter Sack

Chris Shea

William Siderewicz

Deborah Simon

Robert Smallman

Richard and Barbara Smith

Robin Smith

Tom and Nancy Smith

James and Joan Snow

Amy Spence and Thom Lappin

Lee and Hazel Spence

Merrill Stabler

Greg and Joy Stiles

Michael Stroman and Lyn Gelinas

Erik Subatis
Ruta Subatis

Eric Swanzey

Ryan Swanzey

Kathleen and Keith Taylor

Judith Thomson

Ethan  Tieger

Kim Tieger

Helena Turner

Bill and Donna Vachon

Jim Watras

Joe and Lisa Willwerth

Bob and Joan Wogan